Europejski Ośrodek Studiów Penologicznych wraz z Katedrą Kryminologii i Polityki Kryminalnej IPSiR zapraszają na seminarium z serii „Changing penologies”, na temat aktualnych kwestii istotnych w polityce karnej, penitencjarnej i penologii, które odbędzie się 10 maja br. w godzinach 10.00 – 15.00 w budynku IPSiR ul. Podchorążych 20, w sali nr 37. Seminarium powiązane jest z promocją specjalnego anglojęzycznego numeru „Archiwum Kryminologii” nr 2/2023 przygotowanego we współpracy z Europejskim Ośrodkiem Studiów Penologicznych.
European Centre for Penological Studies and Chair of Criminology and Criminal Policy of Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization of University of Warsaw invite to the Seminar from the series “Changing Penologies” on the up to date important issues of penal policy and penitentiary policy and penology, which will be held on 10 of May 2024 10.00-15.00 in the building of IPSiR Pochorążych Street 20 Warsaw in the room 37. Seminar is related to the promotion of the special issue of Archives of Criminology 2/2023 which was prepared in cooperation with European Centre for Penological Studies.
10.15 Meeting in room 37, coffee time and greeting of new members of European Centre for Penological Studies
10.30 Jarosław Utrat-Milecki, Opening speech, presentation of some issues from the special issue of Archives of Criminology nr 2/2023 on Changing Penologies
10.50 discussion
11.00 Joanna Banach-Gutierrez, Human Dimension of a „Smart Prison” from Finnish Perspectives
11.20 discussion
11.30 Anthea Huckelsby, Electronic Monitoring in England and Wales
11.50 discussion
12.00 Coffee Break
12.20 Paweł Ostaszewski, Joanna Klimczak, Research on re-offending under the Electronic Monitoring System in Poland
12.40 discussion
12.50 Katarzyna Wiśniewska, Between justice and modernity: new technologies in criminal justice system
13.10 discussion
13.20 Sylwia Różycka-Jaroś, Serious Case Review – the new procedure for protecting children against violence in Poland
13.40 discussion
13.50 Jadwiga Królikowska, Avoiding Punishment. An example
14.10 discussion
14.20 Marta Gomola, Penal liability of Juveniles in Poland compared to chosen European Countries
14.40 discussion
14.50 Jarosław Utrat-Milecki, Closing remarks
Departure for dinner